Running etherboot

1) Compile the etherboot code:

In app_swallow_etherboot/src/demo.xc

Find the file's struct struct swallow_xlinkboot_cfg

  • set boards_w and boards_h

2) make app_swallow_etherboot: cd sw_swallow_etherboot ; make

3) Verify that the ethernet board is connected to USB and power: xrun -l — should show "L1[0]" present.

4a) Run on ethernet board: xrun --io app_swallow_etherboot/bin/swallow_etherboot.xe

4b) Connect ethernet cable and ensure PC has IP on subnet, and is NOT

4a) Ping - should work

4b) Or telnet to

To build software

1) Make some code.

  • remember that the main function must be in a separate file.
  • int main() must include:

#include <platform.h>
#define MCMAIN
#include "mcsc_chan.h"
#include "yourCode.h"

2) RTFR in tool_xmp16_manycore to run the tool: manycoremain.xc [extra files] [compiler parameters]
(remember to add the path).

2a) e.g with optimised flags: mcmain.xc ledtest.xc -O3 -o test.sgb

Boot software

1) Download binary using tftp

tftp> connect 69
tftp> mode binary
tftp> put Swallow_V2-ID_LEDs.sgb

2) (Optional): Read back booted board configuration

tftp> get board_dims

Streaming data in and out

To get ethernet p2p working:

1) sudo arping -c 1 -A -I eth0
2) tftp code
3) run python send/receive script.

For streaming from PC to board:

Output on port 5b5b: nc -lku $((0x5b5b))

Current code:

  • Uses JTAG debug, since xscope seems to hang.
  • sends the strings in 'pkt' definition in the code to port 0x1b1b
  • This then prints onto the screen.
  • Ensure that the endpoint is declared streaming and that the script targets the correct ID (which can be printed from the grid_example code).